New project at Roltec: LEEMONS
At the end of 2024, based on the agreement concluded between Segton Advanced Technology (Segton ADT), Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique et Aux Energies Alternatives (CEA), International Solar Energy Researchcenter Konstanz Isc Ev (ISC Konstanz), Roltec sp. z o. o. and Communaute d' Universites et Etablissements Universite Bourgogne - Franche - Comte (UBFC) LEEMONS project started (Low-Energy Electron Multiplication On Nanostructured Solar Cells).
What do we want to achieve?
The LEEMONS project will demonstrate a new technology, electron multiplication, which overcomes three fundamental thermal losses in photovoltaic cells by converting high-energy electrons into several lower-energy electrons.
This solution is compatible with 80% (possibly 95%) of current PV production capacity, as well as future projects. Therefore, it requires little changes to current production lines and therefore low capital expenditure. The LEEMONS project will produce prototypes of photovoltaic cells (PERC-based and heterojunction solar cells).
These integrated cells should demonstrate an increase in energy conversion efficiency, thus opening up a new technological area that will help deliver economic, social and environmental benefits.
What will be our role in the project?
The Roltec team will be responsible for the project's development of low-temperature metallization methods for silicon cells, numerical analysis and computer simulations of embedded nanostructures, and aging tests of the cells produced as part of the project.
In December 2024, a Kick-off meeting of the Leemons project was held, where participants discussed technical and organizational details of the implementation of project tasks. There were also representatives of all consortium partners. Roltec was represented by a technical director, dr inż. Marek Basta.